About Janja Hojnik

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So far Janja Hojnik has created 137 blog entries.

Janja Hojnik a new member of the BBL Group

By |10/06/2023|

The Brown Bag Lunch Group (BBL) is a multi-disciplinary, creative network of independent experts, entrepreneurs and academics from the fields [...]

New Book on Servitization and Circular Economy

By |17/05/2023|

A new book on servitization and circular economy has been published by Larcier Intersentia with a chapter by professor Hojnik. [...]

Meeting with the French Ambassador

By |24/04/2023|

Danes sem imela zelo prijeten pogovor s francosko veleposlanico v Sloveniji, gospo Florence Levy, in z njeno svetovalko, gospo Marion [...]

30 years of the EU Internal Market

By |07/01/2023|

RTV Maribor, oddaja Omizje posvečena 30. obletnici enotnega trga EU.

Keynote speech at a conference in Leuven

By |22/04/2022|

Professor Hojnik held a Keynote speech at a conference on legal and economic challenges of servitization, organised by the KU [...]

V medijih o tožbi Evropske komisije proti Sloveniji glede policijske preiskave na Banki Slovenije

By |19/06/2020|

Dr. Janja Hojnik pojasnjuje, da je pravno gledano tudi tik pred zdajci na sodišču EU še mogoče doseči poravnavo. Večje vprašanje zanjo [...]

In support of the Joint Statement in Defense of the EU Legal Order

By |02/06/2020|

V obrambo pravnega reda Evropske unije Kolumna Janje Hojnik "Če bi lahko posamezne države članice samovoljno odstopale od zavez iz [...]

V medijih o nepristojnosti Sodišču EU glede slovenske tožbe proti Hrvaški

By |02/02/2020|

Kaj je sporočilo Sodišča EU-ja? Prof. dr. Janja Hojnik v Odmevih na RTV SLO. O nepristojnosti evropskega sodišča prof. dr. Janja Hojnik [...]

Lecture at the seminar on the evaluation of the quality of legal research in Maastricht

By |10/12/2019|

We are kindly inviting you to a seminar titled:   The evaluation of the quality of legal research that will [...]

Lecture on freedom of pricing at the Maastricht Centre for European Law

By |09/12/2019|

Lecture under the Research Seminars Series, Maastricht Centre for European Law Freedom of pricing in the light of EU [...]