redna profesorica na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru, prodekanja za raziskovalno delo na PF Univerze v Mariboru (2023-2027) in vodja magistrskega programa Evropske pravne študije (od 2019)…

Full professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, vice dean for research work at the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor (2023-2027) and head of the master’s program in European legal studies (since 2019)…



Pri raziskovalnem delu se osredotočam na notranji trg EU, zlasti na prost pretok blaga in storitev, digitalno ekonomijo, servitizacijo industrije v EU, regulacijo cen in mednarodne trgovine …

My research work focuses on the EU internal market, in particular free movement of goods and services, digital economy, servitization of industry in the EU, price regulation and regulation of international trade …



Predavam različne vsebine s področja prava EU na Pravni fakulteti UM in na drugih institucijah v Sloveniji in v tujini kot tudi na strokovnih srečanjih in šolah …

I am holding lectures concerning EU law at the Faculty of Law University of Maribor and at other institutions in Slovenia and in other countries as well as at …



Moje strokovno delo vključuje komentiranje v medijih, objavljanje aktualnih strokovnih člankov, svetovanje gospodarskim družbam, članstvo v arbitražah in …

My expert work includes comments to various media, topical review articles for law journals, advising companies on EU legal issues, sitting in arbitrations and …


Novice / News

1512, 2023

Odmevi o madžarskem vetu na pomoč EU Ukrajini

By |15/12/2023|

Odmevi RTV Slovenija, 15.12.2023 ob Evropskem svetu

812, 2023

75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

By |08/12/2023|

Professor Hojnik has chaired a panel of an international conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. More on the conference here.

312, 2023

Izbor Ius Info: najvplivnejši pravniki 2023 / Most influential lawyers in Slovenia

By |03/12/2023|

Profesorica Janja Hojnik se je v letu 2023 sedmič od leta 2011 naprej uvrstila med 10 najvplivnejših pravnikov po izboru pravnega portala Ius Info. Več informacij .

2511, 2023

Global Law Professor at KU Leuven

By |25/11/2023|

In the winter semester of 2023/24 professor Hojnik held a course on Regulatory Aspects of Servitization under the Global Law Programme of the Catholic University in Leuven (Belgium). More information here.  

3010, 2023

Govor ob Dnevu reformacije na Vidmu

By |30/10/2023|

Profesorica Hojnik je bila govornica na proslavi Dneva reformacije na Vidmu.  

2510, 2023

Odmevi o poljskih volitvah

By |25/10/2023|

Odmevi na RTVSLO, 25.10.2023

1307, 2023

Second mandate as a Vice-Dean for Research

By |13/07/2023|

On 13 July 2023 Professor Hojnik started her mandate as a Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Law University of Maribor, in the team of the Dean Professor Tomaž Keresteš. The mandate is for [...]

2706, 2023

Priznanje ARRS Odlični v znanosti 2022 / Excellent in Research Award for 2022

By |27/06/2023|

Agencija RS za znanost je dr. Janji Hojnik podelila priznanje Odlični v znanosti za članek o faktorjih vpliva v pravu, ki je bil objavljen v reviji Legal Studies pri Cambridge University Press. Novica na spletni [...]

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”