Odmevi o madžarskem vetu na pomoč EU Ukrajini

By |15/12/2023|

Odmevi RTV Slovenija, 15.12.2023 ob Evropskem svetu

75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

By |08/12/2023|

Professor Hojnik has chaired a panel of an international conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on [...]

Izbor Ius Info: najvplivnejši pravniki 2023 / Most influential lawyers in Slovenia

By |03/12/2023|

Profesorica Janja Hojnik se je v letu 2023 sedmič od leta 2011 naprej uvrstila med 10 najvplivnejših pravnikov po izboru [...]

Global Law Professor at KU Leuven

By |25/11/2023|

In the winter semester of 2023/24 professor Hojnik held a course on Regulatory Aspects of Servitization under the Global Law [...]

Govor ob Dnevu reformacije na Vidmu

By |30/10/2023|

Profesorica Hojnik je bila govornica na proslavi Dneva reformacije na Vidmu.  

Odmevi o poljskih volitvah

By |25/10/2023|

Odmevi na RTVSLO, 25.10.2023

Second mandate as a Vice-Dean for Research

By |13/07/2023|

On 13 July 2023 Professor Hojnik started her mandate as a Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Law University [...]

Priznanje ARRS Odlični v znanosti 2022 / Excellent in Research Award for 2022

By |27/06/2023|

Agencija RS za znanost je dr. Janji Hojnik podelila priznanje Odlični v znanosti za članek o faktorjih vpliva v pravu, [...]

Janja Hojnik a new member of the BBL Group

By |10/06/2023|

The Brown Bag Lunch Group (BBL) is a multi-disciplinary, creative network of independent experts, entrepreneurs and academics from the fields [...]

New Book on Servitization and Circular Economy

By |17/05/2023|

A new book on servitization and circular economy has been published by Larcier Intersentia with a chapter by professor Hojnik. [...]