My first academic paper in a history journal – on Vanek Šiftar
V ČZN št. 2/24 je bil objavljen prispevek dr. Janje Hojnik o profesorju Vaneku Šiftarju. Tukaj.
V ČZN št. 2/24 je bil objavljen prispevek dr. Janje Hojnik o profesorju Vaneku Šiftarju. Tukaj.
Nov temeljni raziskovalni projekt pri ARIS z naslovom "Vsi so v storitvah": krmarjenje z regulativnimi izzivi megatrenda servitizacije pod nosilstvom [...]
V ponedeljek, 2.12.2024 je na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani potekala predstavitev knjige Slovenia and the EU: 20 [...]
This weekend we had a seminar in Vienna with our group of experts who deal with new technologies - Brown [...]
Contractual rights and liabilities in circular business models by Harry Slachmuylders Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B. Keirsbilck; Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. E. [...]
Guest lecture at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka, 28 October 2024 - invitation.
Celebrating the Day of the Faculty of Law, 11 October 2024, with honourable guest speaker Prof Dr Paul Timmers from [...]
At the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, a new Jean Monnet Chair project began on October 1, 2024, led [...]