About Janja Hojnik

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So far Janja Hojnik has created 115 blog entries.

Študijska soba UKM poimenovana po J. Hojnik

By |05/07/2019|

V Univerzitetni knjižnici Maribor so študijske sobe v drugem in tretjem nadstropju poimenovali po 28 Mariborčanih. Večer, 5.7.2019 Prej oštevilčene [...]

Article in Palgrave Communications, Nature

By |03/07/2019|

Social and juristic challenges of artificial intelligence Matjaž Perc, Mahmut Ozer & Janja Hojnik Palgrave Communications volume 5, Article number: 61 (2019) Abstract Artificial intelligence is [...]

Po Dravi z rafti kar 160 mariborskih študentov in profesorjev

By |28/06/2019|

Mariborinfo.com Študentski svet Univerze v Mariboru vsako leto že tradicionalno v mesecu juniju organizira študentsko tekmovanje v raftingu. Včeraj popoldne [...]

Reception for Sahndong Sports University

By |28/06/2019|

On 28 June 2019, University of Maribor was visited by a delegation from the Sahndong Sports University. Members of the [...]

14th IRDO International Scientific & Bussines Conference 2019 in Maribor, Slovenia on 20 – 21 June 2019

By |20/06/2019|


UM pristopila k Deklaraciji iz San Francisca o vrednotenju raziskovalnega dela in k Leidenskemu manifestu o odgovorni rabi metrike

By |18/06/2019|

Senat Univerze v Mariboru je na mojo pobudo na seji 18. junija 2019 potrdil pristop Univerze v Mariboru k Deklaraciji [...]

Ekskurzija s študenti v Hišo EU in na Ustavno sodišče RS

By |08/05/2019|

Študenti PF UM so se dan pred Dnevom Evrope v spremstvu prof. dr. Janje Hojnik, prof. dr. Aleša Ferčiča in [...]

JM Conference Marking 15th Anniversary of Slovenian EU Membership

By |15/04/2019|

BREXIT AND BEYOND: THE FUTURE OF EU SOCIAL MARKET ECONOMY Monday, 15 April 2019 In the year of the 15th [...]

New monograph on evaluation of academic legal research in Europe

By |13/04/2019|

van Gestel, Rob (Editor) ; Lienhard, Andreas (Editor) ; Snel, Marnix ; Schmied, Martin ; Ruda, Albert ; Purnhagen, Kai ; [...]

International workshop on silver economy

By |10/04/2019|

University of Maribor hosted the international workshop on silver economy, where we discussed the importance of active ageing and the [...]