“You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.”
(Octavia Butler)
- under Bibliography – section: Personal
Peer reviewed articles
Hojnik Janja, Individuals’ right to property under international succession law: reimbursement of bank deposits after the collapse of the SFR Yugoslavia, Hague Yearbook of International Law, 2019, forthcoming.
PERC, Matjaž, OZER, Mahmut, HOJNIK, Janja. Social and juristic challenges of artificial intelligence. Palgrave communications, ISSN 2055-1045, 2019, vol. 5, art. no. 61, 7 p., doi: 10.1057/s41599-019-0278-x.
Hojnik Janja, Tell me where you come from and I will tell you the price: Ambiguous expansion of prohibited geographical price discrimination in the EU, Common Market Law Review, Vol. 56 (2019) 1, pp. 23-60.
Hojnik J., Online gambling under EU law : strolling between controlled expansion and genuine diminution of gambling opportunities. Lexonomica, ISSN 1855-7147. Dec. 2018, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 67-102.
Volume 14, Issue 1,
Environmental Corporate Reporting under EU Law: Historic Achievement or Just a Moderate Step Forward? Brill, 2017,HOJNIK, Janja. Technology neutral EU law: digital goods within the traditional goods/services distinction, International Journal of Law and IT, Oxford Journals, (2017) 25 (1): 63-84, Int J Law Info Tech-2016-Hojnik-ijlit-eaw009. , doi:10.1093/ijlit/eaw009
HOJNIK, Janja. Servitization of industry: EU law implications and challenges. Common market law review, ISSN 0165-0750, 2016, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1575-1624.
HOJNIK, Janja. Environmental Protection v. Free Trade – “Buy Local” as a Barrier to EU Internal Market, DOI: 10.3233/EPL-463404, Journal: Environmental Policy and Law, vol. 46, no. 3-4, pp. 245-252, 2016
HOJNIK, Janja, MEVEL, Morgan. Obligation juridique directe des États pour les dettes contractées par les banques situées à l’extérieur de leur territoire national : l’approche de la CourEDH dans l’affaire de la dissolution de la Yougoslavie. Revue de droit bancaire et financier, ISSN 1620-9435, 2016, 17, no. 2, pp. 10-13.
HOJNIK, Janja. Putting trains on the right track : comment on CJEU’s judgments concerning the first railway package. European transport law, ISSN 0014-3154, 2015, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 255-280.
HOJNIK, Janja. Slovenian ten-year experience with the EU internal market. European business law review, ISSN 0959-6941, 2015, vol. 26, iss. 4, pp. 613-629.
HOJNIK, Janja. De minimis rule within the EU internal market freedoms : towards a more mature and legitimate market?. European journal of legal studies, ISSN 1973-2937. [Online ed.], Spr.-Sum. 2013, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 25-45.
LUIN, Dušan, HOJNIK, Janja. Gambling regulation in Slovenia : adapting socialist morality to the European Union free trade environment. Gaming law review and economics, ISSN 1097-5349, 2013, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 8-19.
HOJNIK, Janja. Free movement of goods in a labyrinth : Can Buy Irish survive the crises?. Common market law review, ISSN 0165-0750, 2012, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 291-326.
HOJNIK, Janja. The EU internal market and national tradition and culture : any room for market decentralisation?. Croatian yearbook of European law & policy, ISSN 1845-5662, 2012, vol. 8, pp. [117]-142.
HOJNIK, Janja. Ordoliberalizem – teorija povezovanja prava in ekonomije. Lexonomica, ISSN 1855-7147. [Tiskana izd.], junij 2009, letn. 1, št. 1, pp. 3-32.
Peer reviewed books
HOJNIK, Janja, KNEZ, Rajko (author, author of introduction, etc.). Svoboščine notranjega trga EU. 1. natis. Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV založba, 2015. 530 str., ilustr., tabele. ISBN 978-961-247-318-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 281906944]
HOJNIK, Janja. Decentralizacija pristojnosti za urejanje notranjega trga EU, (Zbirka Scientia iustitia, 19). 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2011. 272 str. ISBN 978-961-247-175-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 256122624]
FERČIČ, Aleš, HOJNIK, Janja (author, author of introduction, etc.), TRATNIK, Matjaž. Uvod v pravo Evropske unije. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2011. 399 str. ISBN 978-961-247-170-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 255697664]
ACCETTO, Matej, AVBELJ, Matej, HOJNIK, Janja, SMRKOLJ, Maja, VATOVEC, Katarina (author, editor). Lizbonska pogodba : z uvodnimi pojasnili. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2010. 638 str. ISBN 978-961-247-136-1.
HOJNIK, Janja. Prosti pretok blaga v EU. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2010. 831 str.
Peer reviewed book chapters
HOJNIK, Janja. Servitization, IOT and circular economy : need for regulatory intervention at EU level?. in: KEIRSBILCK, Bert (ed.), et al. Servitization and circular economy : economic and legal challenges. 1st ed. Cambridge; Antwerp; Chicago: Intersentia, 2023. pp. 33-68. Consumer Competition & Market Series, 5.
HOJNIK Janja, Evaluating of academic legal publications in Slovenia, van Gestel R., Lienhard A. (ed.). Evaluating academic legal research in Europe: the advantage of lagging behind. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. 2019, pp. 341-383
HOJNIK, Janja. Collaborative and sharing economy: concepts and a need for a European approach. in: HOJNIK, Janja (ur.). Sharing economy in Europe: opportunities and challenges. Ljubljana: Zavod 14; Brussels: European Liberal Forum asbl. 2018, str. 15-31. https://t.co/0qpLvakz72
HOJNIK, Janja. An analysis of worker involvement rights under the Slovenian Takeover Act. V: CREMERS, Jan (ed.), VITOLS, Sigurt (ed.). Takeovers with or without worker voice : workersʼ rights under the EU Takeover Bids Directive, (ETUI series, Workersʼ rights in company law). Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), 2016, pp. 205-216.
HOJNIK, Janja. Legal challenges of the railway liberalisation in the EU. V: BODIROGA-VUKOBRAT, Nada (ur.), RODIN, Siniša (ur.), SANDER, Gerald G. (ur.). New Europe – old values? : reform and perseverance, (Europeanization and globalization, ISSN 2366-0953, volume 1). Cham: Springer, cop. 2016, str. 215-234, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02213-0_11.
HOJNIK, Janja. Judicial application of international and EU law in Slovenia; in: RODIN, Siniša (ur.), PERIŠIN, Tamara (ur.). Judicial application of international law in Southeast Europe. Aufl. 2015. Heidelberg [etc.]: Springer, cop. 2015, str. 265-297, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-46384-0_13.
HOJNIK, Janja. Decentralization of the European Union internal market. V: CAMPBELL, Dennis (ur.). The comparative law yearbook of international business. Vol. 34, 2012. [Alphen aan den Rijn]: Kluwer law international, 2013, str. [565]-587. [COBISS.SI-ID 4501035]
HOJNIK, Janja. Sustainability reporting and the modernisation of EU accounting rules. VITOLS, Sigurt (ur.), HEUSCHMID, Johannes (ur.). European company law and the sustainable company : a stakeholder approach. Vol. 2. [Brussels]: European trade institute (ETUI), 2012, str. 287-317. [COBISS.SI-ID 4496683]
HOJNIK, Janja. Indirect management and implications for industrial relations of the European company statute : the case of Slovenia. V: GOLD, Michael (ur.), NIKOLOPOULOS, Andreas (ur.). The European company statute : a new approach to corporate governance. Bern [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2009, str. 201-226.
- Keynote: Servitization,IoT and circular economy: need for regulatory intervention at the EU level?, Servitization and circular economy, KU Leuven, 21-21 April 2022, programme
- Prepoved geografskega blokiranja v EU v luči svobodne gospodarske pobude, Gospodarski subjekti na trgu, Sedemindvajseto posvetovanje o aktualni problematiki s področja gospodarskega prava, 16. do 18. maj, Maribor, 2019. https://pf.um.si/site/assets/files/4503/hojnik_janja_-_prepoved_geografskega_blokiranja_v_eu.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 5746987]
- Sodelovalno gospodarstvo in delitvena ekonomija : pojmi in potreba po evropskem pristopu, Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov, 11. do 13. oktober 2018, Portorož.
- Pravo EU 4.0: enotni trg za sodobne tehnologije : predavanje, X. posvet Pravo in ekonomija – Digitalno gospodarstvo, Pravna Fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru, 1. december 2017.
- Trenja med Sodiščem Evropske unije in nekaterimi najvišjimi nacionalnimi sodišči: vabljeno predavanje, 15. “Jubilejni” dnevi evropskega prava, Trinajst let uporabe prava Evropske unije v Sloveniji, 29. novembra 2017, na Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani.
- Digitalna ekonomija: bitcoin, internet stvari in Uber. V: Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov, 12. do 14. oktober 2017, Portorož.
- Razvoj in namen načela prostega pretoka kapitala v EU po gospodarski krizi: predavanje, XXIII. Simpozij panonskih pravnikov “Aktualna pravna vprašanja kapitalske in denarnega prometa, trga denarja in gospodarstva v Panonskem prostoru”, 28-30. septembra 2017, Zalakaros. 2017.
- Collaborative Economy: Sharing, Cooperation or simply Business, Bled Strategic Forum “New realities”, Tourism panel, 5th September 2017, Bled.
- Slovenski jezik v Evropski uniji: med pravno zavarovano vrednoto in oviro za enotno delovanje trga, prispevek na simpoziju Jezikovna politika Republike Slovenije, Pleteršnikovi dnevi, Pišece, 13. 9. 2017.
- Digital content as a market commodity sui generis: EU lawyers (finally) moving from newton physics to quantum physics?, The legal challenges of modern world, 22nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Split, 29-30 June 2017.
- Regulatory response to servitization in the EU: integrating rules on products and services’ offerings. V: WEST, Shaun (ur.). Internationalisation through servitization, the Spring Servitization Conference 2017, 15-17 May 2017, Lucerne, Switzerland. Birmingham: Aston Business School, Aston University. 2017.
- Izzivi četrte industrijske revolucije za regulacijo medicinskih pripomočkov v EU, 26. posvet Medicina, pravo in družba, 23.-24. marec 2017, Maribor.
- Evaluation of legal research in Europe, 17 February 2017, University of Bern.
- Pravni vidiki servitizacije, “Access to Civil Justice”, Portorož, May 2016.
- Central European Law Conference for Students, March 2016, organiser (www.celcos.eu).
- Trnova pot do enotne pravne ureditve azila v EU, “Medicine and Law”, Maribor, March 2016.
- 8th Conference Law and Economics, December 4th, 2015, Maribor.
- „From the Integration to the Integration: Political Changes in the Western Balkan and Beyond: Their Way to the EU”, ELTE Budapest, December 2015.
- Rule of Law in New EU States and the impact of the European Union, Symposium, Faculty for social sciences, Charles University in Prague, November 2014.
- Consumer ethnocentrism from a legal perspective: WTO and EU national treatment rules : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci “LCBR European Marketing Conference 2014” Munich, Germany, August 7 – August 8, 2014.
- Svetovni slovenski kongres – Slovenian World Congress, Ljubljana, junij 2014.
- Čezmejno zdravljenje po predhodni odobritvi in brez nje, 23. posvetovanje Medicina in pravo na temo Čezmejna medicina, Maribor, 28. in 29. marec 2014.
- TEMPUS IV InterEULawEast Conference, Legal reform and EU enlargement – transfer of experiences, Maribor, February 2014.
- Znanstveni simpozij »Evropska Slovenija in ustavno sodstvo«, Ustavno sodišče RS, Ljubljana, June 2013.
- Legal Culture in Transition: New Europe – Old Values? Reform and Perseverance” organised by the Jean Monnet Inter-University Centre of Excellence Opatija, May 2013.
- Any room for market decentralization?: “Advanced issues of European law – 10th session”, 23.-28.4.2012, Dubrovnik, 2012.
- Boosting consumer ethnocentrism in the EU: “Integration or Disintegration? – 3rd Conference on European Law & Policy in Context”, Institute of European Law, University of Birmingham, 27.6.2012, Birmingham.
- Decentralist initiatives in regulating the EU internal market: Re-integration of the Adria region market, Pravna fakulteta Maribor, 7.-8. december 2012.
- The Problem of Insufficiently Determined Ordering Part of the Judgement Regarding Interests in the Practice of the European Court of Justice: “Simplification of debt collection in EU”, Univerza v Mariboru – Pravna fakulteta, 15.6.2012, Maribor.
- Legal theory and argumentation conference, Bled, November 2012.
- 4. znanstveni posvet »Pravo in ekonomija«, Inštitut za ekonomsko analizo prava, Pravna fakulteta v Mariboru, decembra 2011.
- Slovenska iskustva s pridruženjem unutranjem tržištu EU : predavanje na seminarju “Unutranje tržište”, Zagreb, 2.12.2011. 2011; Zagreb.
- Recognising National Culture and Tradition within the Centralised EU Market. V: 24th Biennial Congress on the Law of the World – National Legal Cultures in a Globalized World, World Jurist Congress, Prague, 23-28 October 2011.
- 2. znanstveni posvet »Pravo in ekonomija«, Inštitut za ekonomsko analizo prava, Pravna fakulteta v Mariboru, decembra 2009.
- 2. konferenca evropskega in primerjalnega prava v Portorožu, marca 2009;
- 1. znanstveni posvet »Pravo in ekonomija«, Inštitut za ekonomsko analizo prava, Pravna fakulteta v Mariboru, decembra 2008;
- znanstvena konferenca »Management in pravo v sodobni družbi«, Pravna fakulteta v Mariboru, junija 2007;
- International conference »Economic integrations, competition and cooperation«, organised by the University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, University of Antwerpen and Centre CEDIMES from Paris, Opatija, April 2007;
- International conference of the Faculty of Economics, Athens, Consequences and Implications of the European Company Statute for the National States and the EU, in Athens, July 2006;
- 6th international multi-conference Information Society IS 2003, Institute Jožef Štefan, Ljubljana, October 2003.

- Odškodninska odgovornost Republike Slovenije in Evropske unije za izbris kvalificiranih obveznosti banke : analiza posledic primera Kotnik, raziskovalni projekt “Po kreativni poti do znanja 2016/2017”;
- Jean Monnet Chair, Smart and Sharing EU Economy, projekt se izvaja na Pravni fakulteti UM, ECEAE, Evropska komisija, 2016-2019
- Jean Monnet Project, Strenghtening the Rule of Law, izveden na Pravni fakulteti UM, ECEAE, Evropska komisija, 2015-2016
- Jean Monnet European Module, EU Legal Terminology, izveden na Filozofski fakulteti UM, ECEAE, Evropska komisija, 2012-2015
- Pravna analiza skladnosti Pravilnika o nalaganju prostih denarnih sredstev posrednih uporabnikov državnega in občinskih proračunov ter ožjih delov občin, ki so pravne osebe s pravili EU o prostem pretoku kapitala, zasebni naročnik, 2011
- Nadziranje tehnične brezhibnosti igralnih naprav kot dejavnosti javne oblasti v luči pravil o prostem pretoku storitev v EU, zasebni naročnik, 2012
- Pomen CE oznake za prodajo industrijsko izdelanih lesenih sklopov gradbenih elementov v drugih državah članicah EU, zasebni naročnik, 2013
- Pravno varstvo interesov delavcev v postopkih privatizacije družb v državni lasti, zasebni naročnik, 2014
- Kreditne pogodbe s klavzulo o valutnem tveganju, zasebni naročnik, 2015
- Pravna analiza določenih vidikov postopka prodaje gospodarske družbe v lasti javnega zavoda z vidika prava EU (skupaj s prof. dr. Alešem Ferčičem), 2016
- Evaluation of Legal Research in Europe, project leaders: Prof. Rob van Gestel (University Tilburg) and Prof. Andreas Lienhard (University of Bern), since Nov. 2016
- Commentary on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Springer publishing; project leaders: Prof. Hermann-Josef Blanke (University Erfurt) and Prof. Stelio Mangiameli (Teramo University), since 2014
- Jezikovna politika Republike Slovenije in potrebe uporabnikov, V6-1647, ARRS, od 1.10.2016, Ciljni raziskovalni projekt, nosilec: ZRC SAZU
- članica skupine pravnih strokovnjakov pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve za vprašanja nasledstva nekdanje SFRJ (od 2014 do danes)
- What makes a Good Company? Considerations and legal provisions on employee’ interest representation within corporate law at European level, European Trade Union Institute, Bruselles (od leta 2005 do danes);
- EU TEMPUS project: European Neighbourhood Policy Law and Good Governance (partnership of nine universities from Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova).
- SEEurope – The Influence of the EU Directive on Worker Involvement in European companies on Worker Participation and Company Management Practices, kEvropski sindikalni inštitut iz Bruslja (od leta 2004 do 2014);
- The implementation and application of EU Labour Law directives in the enlarged European Union«, Labour Asociados Consulting iz Madrida (2006-2007);
- Participation and Representation of Employees at Board Level and the opportunities offered by the SE – European Company in the New EU-Member States«, Agency for Social Development from Brussels (2005);
- Korporacijska upravljalska struktura, pod vodstvom prof. dr. Marijana Kocbeka (2004);
- kot mlada raziskovalka uvrščena na raziskovalni projekt Položaj, potencial in vloga malih in srednjih podjetij v Sloveniji z vidika razvojnih programov EU, pod vodstvom prof. dr. Rajka Kneza (2003).

“When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.”